Know exactly what your body, mind, and soul need at this moment.

Essential oils are the ultimate emotional support tool...nature's most concentrated, potent and powerful multisensory anchoring agents.
This session involves a 20 minute aromatherapy & oracle reading, using my 15+ years' experience with coaching, energy/muscle response testing, and intuition - accessing a vast resource index for quick & succinct identification of issues. I will help clarify the greatest support for your wellbeing - here and now.
During our time together, I'll get to the heart of your mind-body's top priorities. You can expect 3-5 essential oil recommendations specific to your mental, physical, and emotional needs. Additionally, I will select an oracle card that carries a specific message just for you... providing insight and clarity for your current life station.
Fill out the form & I'll send you a link to schedule!
for peace, passion, and purpose
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ANDREA ANDRUS - Wellness Business Owner
"What an honor I had to do an Oil Reading session with Cherie! The entire conversation and process was a beautiful orchestration of strings intertwining to help me move forward with the next steps in my self-care and healing journey....all of which help make me a better mom and business owner. I’m grateful for Cherie and her intuition and kindness."

"My intuitive essential oil consult with Cherie was wonderful. She quickly pinpointed all of my current issues and helped me translate them into essential oil "language." I now have her recommended oils and I breathe and meditate with them every single day. I felt truly seen, heard, and understood by Cherie and would recommend an intuitive consult with her to everyone."

KATJA SURYA-Spiritual Guide
"I am just coming out of an oil reading with Cherie Burton - what a delightful experience! Showing her expertise in sensing, Cherie quickly discerned the essential oil my body and soul are calling for in this now moment, as well as a supportive message from an oracle card.Ā I love how my oil & message allow me to feel grounded & uplifted simultaneously, and how I am encouraged to relax into the loving presence that holds me in my place of transition. This interaction with Cherie leaves me feeling excited, open, and curious. Empowered to be. Thank you, Cherie! I applaud your intuitive skill and your ability to connect deeply!"
Ready for More?

Join my 3 Day Essential Oil Experience
I'll show you the basics of how to use oils AND will sprinkle in the latest science & research.
You'll get simple oil tips on:
- Sleep & Stress Management
- Calming & Mood Lifting
- Pain Management
- Immunity & Seasonal Support
- Detoxing & Cleansing
Hi, I'mCherie
I am a Soul Work Practitioner who specializes in the science and spirituality of multisensory healing & feminine empowerment.
My holistic journey began in 2010 when one of my children had a health crisis. Nothing traditional was touching it and I became desperate.
What unfolded changed the course of mine and my family's lives...and set me squarely on a very unexpected and powerful career path all over the world, eventually becoming a dŨTERRA Presidential Diamond leader.